Music Advertisers, Get Prepared for Apple's New Privacy Changes

Apple Privacy .jpg

Credit: Tracy Le Blanc

Last year, Apple announced that the arrival of iOS 14.5 would offer users the ability to opt out of behaviour tracking by third parties, a tool all music marketers have come to rely on. iOS 14.5 has been reported to be landing later this month, so we decided to take a look at what we can all do to prepare.

Check Breakdown Reports

Accessing your breakdown reports and seeing how many members of your audience are iOS users will allow you to understand how much of your advertising data could be impacted by these new changes. When it comes to tracking actions, optimising ads and retargeting audiences, your data is likely to look different to what you might expect soon, so anticipating these changes now will help you prepare for that.

Verify Artist Page Domains

As these changes are coming into place, Facebook has introduced Aggregated Event Measurements - the protocol that allows iOS users’ web events to be measured, they explain. If you’re planning on using an artist’s own website for tracking data, make sure it’s verified so you can utilise this tool.

The protocol “limits domains to eight conversion events that can be used for campaign optimisation”. Facebook will initially select those eight conversion events for you, determining the most effective choices, but you can edit these. If you’re making changes to those selections, be sure to think about what data is most important to your campaign.

Collect Data Yourself

Regular readers of the Habit Weekly will know how much we encourage owning your data, especially when it comes to email addresses. To reinforce your audience data, it’s a wise idea to collect engagers email addresses where possible, that way, you can build your retargeting efforts around a stronger set of data and try to avoid missing any of your iOS using fans.

Like many other digital advertisers, we’re eager to learn more about the privacy update and its impact on marketing once it arrives.

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